
The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it holds.

No Work

Assumed that i was having a slight fever in the morning, with the heavy rain pouring like mad outside ... i decided not to work. Hope wont tiok problems frm the engineers.

Hit lvl42 las nite in Archlord and nw down with slight fever+no work = wat a trade off indeed ...haaha. Guess i'll go to work tmoro >_<

Titan working environment sucks, the food sucks, wondered if the cafe is a farm for animals...

The Author

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The Sagittarius: Undoubtedly one of the most positive of the star signs. You’re extremely confident in whatever you do. Being one of the luckiest signs, fortune seems to favour you, whether you plan things or not. That’s also the reason you don’t mind taking the odd risk or two. You feel as if you can’t possibly lose. This almost cocky attitude is something that attracts people to you.

curious people


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