
The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it holds.

Doomcloud Scythe

K guys, i've figured out the key to perfect stats of combination weapon in Archlord, the F2P mmorpg on9 game.

1st get all the materials in order then just throw in a stack of 5elemental stones of the same kind..u can throw in 4 total of 5stacks. Meaning u'll be able to get 4 good green stats. The type of stones u put in will determine wat stats in it.

*i'm gonna kill tis one day...

earth = stamina
fire =physical atk
water = atk spd
air =wisdom
magic =intelligence

also, the higher is ur elemental stones lvl..the higher the stats will u can fuggin' throw in all lvl6 ele n see wat the heck happens(i wont do that tho...nt worth it).

*p/s: i'm selling my doomcloud scythe in the auction house now..XD

2 notes:

kerbaurider November 18, 2007 at 12:19 AM  

wei are you seres on these?!??! omg ... i din know at all!!! god demit

Wei Shen November 18, 2007 at 12:32 AM  

common sense lar...

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The Sagittarius: Undoubtedly one of the most positive of the star signs. You’re extremely confident in whatever you do. Being one of the luckiest signs, fortune seems to favour you, whether you plan things or not. That’s also the reason you don’t mind taking the odd risk or two. You feel as if you can’t possibly lose. This almost cocky attitude is something that attracts people to you.

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