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Lyrics Analysis of Rolling Star


a detailed translations of rolling star - YUI's latest single based on an indonesian's thoughts.

Lyrics Analysis: Rolling Star

My interpretation of the song is that it tells a story about someone who came face-to-face with the roughness of life. She was a quiet person, believing in the idealistic world filled with peace. But then reality comes crashing in: she simply would not survive if she kept being like that, and also she wouldn't be able to protect someone she loved. With these in mind, she eventually decided that she would be stronger and willing to change her perspective on life. But at the same time, deep inside her heart she still believed in her own dream, a dream of a peaceful and quiet world.

This is an interpretation made by an Indonesian after reading the English translation of a Japanese lyrics. the translations are made by Gin -bluewindpress-

Complete interpretation:

I’ve held my peace, but that time’s over.
I have to say what I want to say.
While waiting at the bus stop on the way home,
The sun sets, taking my burdens with it.

This signifies a change: YUI, a shy and quiet person, decides that she must not be afraid to say what she wanted to say. Naturally, this burdens her heart, as it usually happens when someone tries to rediscover and rethink her own traits and ways of seeing life. To survive this pain, YUI also decides that today's pain must be forgotten once the sun sets (signifying the end of the day), and that tomorrow would be another day.

Show me your fighting pose, come on!

Initially, I have three different interpretation about this verse. Whether YUI is shouting at the world (i.e. showing that she's not afraid to fight it), or YUI is talking to someone, or YUI is talking to herself, trying to keep her confidence high everyday. Based on the original lyrics, the word used to say "you" is "kimi". From what I know from animes, "kimi" is a positive, intimate call and is generally not used to refer to an opponent, so the first interpretation could be dropped. I still can't decide between the other two, though. My personal favorite interpretation would be that she's talking to us all, yes, as if saying that we should stay strong living this life, just like what she'd tried to do.

I saw a new world in my waking dreams,
Where peace and quiet are the way of life.
But back in reality the world is cold and harsh,
I sin and regret it each and everyday.
That’s how the days roll along...

This is the verse that confirms YUI's natural traits: peaceful, quiet, and dreamy. But as she matures, she finds out about the cold truth: that the world is the exact reversal of her dreams. This greatly troubles her, each and everyday.

I fall over and over but it doesn't faze me.
I laugh at myself and get back up.
As I board the bus that'll take me home
I gaze out the window and crack a smile.

This is a kind of theme that could also be found in "Why Me" and "Tomorrow's Way". Essentially, this is about YUI being strong, facing every failures and pains with perseverance. Also, in a kind of care-free way too (YUI mentions about her wish to be more care-free in the lyrics of "HELP").

I'm putting all my trust in you.

Another one-liner that's either she's talking to someone or to herself. If she talks to someone, though, then what she's trusting him on? Or could she said this to kami-sama? ("I believe my god"~HELP, is very similar to this). But then, can the word "kimi" be used to address kami-sama? I need help on this.

My dream world is my little secret club,
I lock myself inside, but my friends lift me out of it.
Reality can't be what I want it to be...
But I’ll keep believing, though the days are lonely.

This shows that YUI's change is also caused by her friends' help, who should have gave her another perspective (and the truth) about what real life is like (YUI came to a conclusion that it can't be what she had wanted it to be). But deep inside, she still believe about her own dream of a peaceful world--all the while thinking that she's probably the only person still believing in such a dream (you're not, YUI, we all share this dream too).

Oh yeah, yeah!
I stumble, but I pick myself up...
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Stardust falls from a Rolling Star

Again, about perseverance and care-freeness. Stardust and rolling star *might* be symbols for a dream, especially the dream she still believe inside her heart.

I want to live with a smile on my face,
But I have to give that up if I want to protect you.

This is a very important verse, because it might have the answer to the question we had before: whether YUI is talking to someone, to herself, or to kami-sama. The general meaning would be that YUI wanted to live a peaceful life, but that would not be possible if she wanted to protect someone. She must stand up and fight the world. Here, I conclude that all this time she is talking to someone she cared deeply enough that she is willing to change in order to protect that person.

So, the lyrics "Show me your fighting pose, come on!" means that she wants that person to be strong and to fight together with her, and "I'm putting all my trust in you" is kind of saying that YUI believes all this struggle is worthy enough to be fought together with this person.

Everything feels like a lie.
Not a drop of meaning in it all.
All my loving...
That's all I’ve got in this life.

Another mention that real-life feels completely different with the ideals and dreams that YUI had in her mind. But she also found the key to her survival on such painful fact: that key being love.


Yume ni made mita you na sekai de
arasoi mo naku heiwa ni kurashitai
mou gaman bakka shiterannai yo
iitai koto wa iwanakucha
kaerimichi yuugure no basute

ochikonda senaka ni bai bai bai
kimi no FIGHTING POSE misenai gao!

Yume ni made mita you na sekai wa
Arasoi mo Naku heiwa no nichi jyou
demo gen jitsu wa hibi to rabu de
tama ni kuyandari shiteru
Sonna Rolling Days!

Kitton uso nante sou kimi o motanai no
all my LOVING sou janakya yatterannai

Yume ni made mita you na SWEET LOVE
Koibitotachi wa kakuregao sagasu no
Demo gen jitsu wa aenai ni ga
tsuzukinagara mo shin jiteru no LONELY DAYS
Tsuzumazuitatte way to go , YEAH YAY
Dorodoroke ROLLING STAR!

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The Sagittarius: Undoubtedly one of the most positive of the star signs. You’re extremely confident in whatever you do. Being one of the luckiest signs, fortune seems to favour you, whether you plan things or not. That’s also the reason you don’t mind taking the odd risk or two. You feel as if you can’t possibly lose. This almost cocky attitude is something that attracts people to you.

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